Drummer Dubai

ventoentertainment Arabic, Musicians

UAE Drummer
 <-- Go Back To The Entertainers Page This Drummer in Dubai originally from Amman, Jordan has been musically inspired since a young age. He began his formal percussion studies at the age of 13 and through touring with local bands. Some of these groups and artists include: RUM / Tareq El Nasser  Iwan Diana Karazon Aziz Maraka & Razz Band ... Read More

Oud Player in Dubai

ventoentertainment Arabic, Musicians, Singers

 <-- Go Back To The Entertainers Page This Oud Player in Dubai is one the Cities most talented female Arabic Artists. Not only does she sing but she also plays the Oud with a sophistication that is rare. She was raised in Sweden at the age of 24 found her calling for the Oud in Egypt where she studied and received her ... Read More

Handpan Player in Dubai

ventoentertainment Arabic, Musicians

Dubai handpan Percussion Vento Entertainment
 <-- Go Back To The Entertainers Page This Handpan Player in Dubai is the premier performer of this instrument in the Middle East & Arab world. The Handpan itself was only recently invented in 2001 in Switzerland yes has a captivating ancient familiar sound. This performer has dedicated his life to the exploration of this instrument and it has thus ... Read More